CBES RE Scheme is governed by the Guide for Cross-Border Electricity Sales issued by Suruhanjaya Tenaga. The Guide can be downloaded below. The Guide is also available on Suruhanjaya Tenaga’s website here.

The scheme will be launched in phases starting with the Pilot Phase for up to 300 MW using existing interconnection between Peninsular Malaysia and Singapore. For Pilot phase, auction is opened to interested parties from Singapore only. To find out more and participate in the inaugural auction, please click below to view and download the relevant documents.

No. Document Title Description
Download Link
1. Guide for Cross-Border Electricity Sales Provides guide to CBES RE Scheme
2. Expression of interest Form Interested parties who holds Generation and/or Retailer license from Singapore may express their interest to participate in the inaugural auction by filling up the expression of interest form.
3. Invitation to Bid (ITB) The objective of this document is to invite interested parties from neighbouring country to participate in RE auction through the ENEGEM platform.

This document outlines the registration process, bidding process and other related rules and requirements to participate in this auction.
This document will be emailed to eligible interested parties who has filled in the Expression of Interest Form.
4. Default Declaration Form The Default Declaration form detailed out information required from the prospective RE bidder. This form serves as a reference in conducting our due diligence exercise prior to entering into any business transaction with the RE bidder.

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