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Meeting with Khazanah


SB received a visit from a delegation of Khazanah Nasional Berhad. Adhering to SOP, the meeting was also held virtually to enable more delegates to participate in the session. The half-day visit was attended by six delegates (4 virtually) from Khazanah, headed by Elaine Ong Yee Lyn, Senior Vice President of Investment Unit.  The primary objective of the visit is for Khazanah to have a better understanding about SB. Chaired by SB Chief Operating Officer, a knowledge sharing session was held during the visit, generally elaborating about SB roles and function in the industry. As one of TNB’s shareholders, the delegates also raised several issues and concern pertaining to MESI’s future moving forward. In summary, the visit has provided a good opportunity for SB and Khazanah to exchange information and ideas as well as to identify opportunities for sustainable cooperation in the future for the betterment of MESI.

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